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  • Sweetheart Princess's Disguise was Discovered

    Sweetheart Princess's Disguise was Discovered


    After living in the countryside for eighteen years, Laura's real father came to her. For a moment, the upper class knew that the Taylors had an additional illegitimate daughter of a bumpkin. When she got back to her real family, everyone mocked her for not being as versatile, gentle, and considerate as her older sister. Her father looked down upon her and warned her to keep her nose clean. Marcus was the son of the first wife of Mr. Brown. His brothers were all hostile to him, so his aunt want to connect with the Taylors through marriage to crack Marcus down. Laura was forced to marry the sick and unfaithful man, and everyone said that they are a "perfect match". It didn't take long for Laura's various alias to be dug out, and the members of the Taylors felt regret. All young talents were crazy about her. However, Marcus just laughed out of court and unhesitatingly declared their relationship.
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  • Una Luna Para El Ceo

    Una Luna Para El Ceo

    Iraya Baute

    Para mantener a su clan con vida y fuerte, el Alfa Arcel Wagner, del clan Roter Mord, unos de los clanes más fuertes de los antiguos clanes alemanes, decide combinar sus costumbres antiguas, con otras que se ajusten a la vida moderna, en Canadá, uno de los últimos bosques naturales que le quedan a los lobos de su manada, también crea una empresa especializada en proteger el medio ambiente, para mantener a su manada y el futuro de los suyos. Ahora es un CEO de una famosa multinacional donde trabajan muchos de sus hombres y mujeres. Un lobo en su tiempo libre y un lobo asesino en los negocios. Es este mundo por la falta de lobos, muchas parejas de lobos no se unen con su mate predeterminado. Nuestro CEO se niega que eso le pase a él así por el bien de su manada, lleva cientos de años esperando a su Luna. ¿Qué ocurriría si en una él la encuentra? En un evento benéfico en un Orfanato, donde dejó al nacer a Elizabet Patrick, para protegerla, ella no sabe quién es realmente, ni que existen los hombres lobo, e incluso retuvieron a su lobo para que la mayoría de edad no se transforme hasta encontrar a su mate. Al Alfa sólo le quedó una solución, secuestrarla, y convertirla en suya, pero antes debe ayudarla a descubrir quién es verdaderamente, la Luna de la manada Roter Mord, y su pareja de por vida.
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  • The Vampire's Lycan Mate.

    The Vampire's Lycan Mate.

    Olofe Oyinlola Comfort

    Blurb:He is the head of the Vampire clan, a supposed soon-to-be Alpha. Ruthless, Cold-hearted, his presence commands authority and a blood sucking monster, best describes him.In order to fulfill his main motive. In order to awaken his ticket to victory in the war against the werewolf.He goes against nature, looking for a bride instead of a mate.Out of revenge, he adopts Clarissa, keeping her captive and slowly draws blood from her. Making her serve a drinking source.For his mission to succeed, he is told that he has to mate with his mate and finds out that Clarissa is his mate.An angry Duncan throws Clarissa in his chambers slamming her head against the wall in anger.Duncan wakes up to see his mark on Clarissa, he gets annoyed and disgusted causing the Lord, thereby rejecting her? But the question is;Why did he choose Clarissa? Why look for a bride when he knew he got a fated mate? Who did he want to get revenge on? What was the mission all about? And who was his ticket? Most importantly, why did he reject her? You wanna know, then continue reading! What happens when he marks her and strikes a war between both clans,and creatures?
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  • A Stubborn Life

    A Stubborn Life


    "Married to me, I'll help you reclaim everything and make you unparalleled!" She hastily married into the imperial family, only to be constantly exploited and ravaged by him. In the bathroom, she stared dumbfounded at the two lines on the test: "I don't want children. Seriously, you're breaking the rules!" He smirked satisfactorily, and she slammed the table in anger: "Wasn't this supposed to be a contract marriage, living under the same roof but different beds?" The man's phoenix-like eyes narrowed slightly: "Well, sleeping separately doesn't hinder us from engaging in deep communication for the sake of human reproduction!" A trillion-dollar CEO who controls half of the empire's economic lifeline. Rumored to be arrogant and domineering, avoiding women, yet he spoils her to an outrageous extent! She huffed, hands on her waist: "Nonsense! All of those rumors are fake!"
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  • Pretend Surrogate

    Pretend Surrogate


    The beautiful and humble Angela Davis takes the road of surrogacy when she can’t find any way to provide for her living. Little does she know that the person whose child she will bear is the heir of the wealthiest family in town, Andrew Hill. With his killer looks and a sharp mind, he’ll use Angela to know the truth behind the dark secret of his family.
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  • Luna's Second Chance Mate

    Luna's Second Chance Mate


    Bianca was so lost in thought that she didn't notice there was a person behind her. "Why are you troubling yourself so much by falling for a man that can never love you? Bianca!" Susana asked without expecting an answer from her. Her voice pierced Bianca's ear. It distracted her from her intense wonder and dreams with the handsome Alpha. Bianca fidgeted to her feet. She wasn't expecting anyone to be at watch. She turned to face Susana at once. "If I were you, I wouldn't bother to stare at anyone in this pack! You are fat and ugly… Two disgusting attributes! Ghosh! I feel nauseous……
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  • Esposa De Un Hombre Cruel

    Esposa De Un Hombre Cruel

    Ale Cedeño

    Encontró a su prometida drogada, con el arma en mano y al amante de esta con un disparo en la espalda, incluso su abuela estaba herida. Desde entonces, el CEO se volvió cruel e hizo de todo para vengarse de la responsable, la envió a prisión, luego la sacó y la convirtió en su esposa porque en el vientre de ella, crecía su hijo. Meses después, Marcos Heredia descubre que todo fue una trampa para alejarlo del amor de su vida. Ahora tendrá que hacer de todo para obtener el perdón de su amada Maite. ¿Lo conseguirá?
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  • Secretos De Um Matrimônio

    Secretos De Um Matrimônio

    JL Oliveira01

    Geovane Geordano quiere declararse a la mujer de su vida, prepara una fiesta y compra un anillo. Cuando el coche se detiene, abre inmediatamente la puerta y se arrodilla para pedirle matrimonio. La ansiedad y el nerviosismo se apoderan de la escena. Cuando Mia Madson abre la puerta del coche, se encuentra con un hombre arrodillado y un grupo de personas felices esperando su respuesta. Debido al nerviosismo del momento, responde con un "sí". La familia entra en éxtasis, pero cuando las miradas del hombre y la mujer se cruzan, él se da cuenta de que ha cometido un error al declararse a una desconocida en lugar de a la mujer que ama. MIA MADSON Y GEOVANE GEORDANO Se invitan mutuamente a su boda.
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