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  • Una Escort Para El Ceo

    Una Escort Para El Ceo

    Adrianne Zamora

    Yagiz Ozdemir es uno de los CEO más jóvenes, apuestos, cotizados y exitosos de todo Estambul. El conglomerado de las empresas OZDEMIR que él mismo dirige cada vez es más próspero. Serem Keskin es una joven hermosa e ingenua que vive junto a sus padres y su hermana menor en un pequeño pueblo rural de Turquía. Serem, sin más alternativas y obligada por la decadente situación de su familia viaja junto a sus reclutadores; para darse cuenta al llegar a la ciudad que planean explotarla como prostituta, y entonces escapa despavorida de sus presuntos proxentas. La vida en Estambul, no es tan sencilla como imaginó. Sin dinero, sin documentos ni un techo sobre su cabeza vaga varios días por la calle, hasta que una mujer se compadece de ella. Su salvadora es Escort y tiene una mansión de lujo, y cuentas bancarias con tanto dinero que no gastaría en diez años ni aunque se lo propusiera. Orillada por la insistencia de su madre para que envíe dinero, Serem acepta en convertirse en una Escort, pero sin comprometer su cuerpo en el negocio. El destino de Serem y Yagiz se cruza una noche de gala, en la que ella va de la mano de otro hombre. Él cae prendido ante el encanto natural de la chica, y entre ellos explota la magia. ¿Que pasará cuando Yagiz descubra que la mujer de la que se está enamorando es una Escort? ¿Podrá el amor vencer a las dudas?
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  • Atrapar Al Mafioso.

    Atrapar Al Mafioso.

    Cristina Lopez

    Pertenecer a la mafia no es fácil, mantener tu lugar mucho menos, atrapar a uno de los lideres más grandes del bajo mundo… es casi imposible. Dasha Morozova solo queria su lugar en el mundo, al lado de quien amaba, sabia los riesgos, creció con ellos, y cuando al fin creyó conseguir a quien queria… la vida le demostró que no todo es un cuento de hadas, más cuando vives rodeada de enemigos, ahora el amor ya no es su prioridad, busca venganza, quiere recuperar lo que por ley es suyo y no le importa a que demonio deba tentar para ello. Lukyan Neizan, sabe que el legado de sus padres pesa sobre sus hombros, el don de ver destellos del futuro es su gran aliado cuando debe cuidar su espalda y destruir enemigos, pero… hay imprevistos que escapan incluso de su don, es así como el gran mafioso dueño de casi toda rusia y apodado la muerte blanca, despierta un día con la noticia de que tiene un hijo, del cual ni siquiera sabe quién es la madre. Dasha debe atrapar a un mafioso que la ayude en su venganza. Lukyan debe honrar las leyes de su clan y casarse solo con la madre de su hijo. La venganza es un plato que se sirve frio, y atrapar a un mafioso puede hacerte arder mucho antes de conseguir lo que quieres, pero eso Dasha… aun no lo sabe.
    7 reads
  • Beautiful Revenge

    Beautiful Revenge


    Alan Reyes The one and only heir of Reyes Oil. He thought he will have a great future in front of him with all the wealth that his father passed onto him. He thinks he can get everything that he wants but he never expect that someone is up to kill him and his family. Bella Morgan She swore herself that when she turned 25, she will have her revenge on Reyes Oil. She was more than ready to kill and take that company down. One of the best ticket to that is to seduce the target first and then she will proceed to kill.
    103 reads
  • Night Stalker Series

    Night Stalker Series

    Gia Hunter

    A playboy, a commitment-phobic, and a mysterious bartender. A playboy club owner Pyke Hughes offers an unforgettable night and leaves before the sunrise. A brunette changes his way, bruises his healthy ego, and challenges him. But Camila is off-limits--it doesn't stop him from pursuing her even if his dark secrets threatened to reveal. Xandry Williams faces his phobia over commitment when he meets the devastatingly beautiful single-mom, but Blaine doesn't do one-night stand. Will Xandry take a step and accept that she's a package deal? What if the situation reversed? An enigmatic tattooed bartender has his deepest dark secrets that no one knows. What if the woman he's been keeping tabs on in need of rescuing? Is he willing to reveal his true identity that Megan accepts what's beyond his facade?
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  • I’m Not The Girl You Used To Know

    I’m Not The Girl You Used To Know


    Can you imagine if your parents get divorced and they send you to boarding school?Linda manages to survive through her high school but she is a different person before her parents divorce. After graduation, she got accepted to a college at a town where her brother lives and his best friend. Brian can't believe the drastic changes in her sister. Can Linda be the sweet and caring girl like she used to be?
    372 reads
  • Paying For It

    Paying For It

    JR Wylder

    Two men. Two women. Two couples. Too many secrets. Axel I can have any woman I want, except for the one who has broken my heart more than once. Jameson When I fall, I fall hard. The woman I yearn for can't be mine, and if even she could be, she would never accept my secret. Shondra Big girls don't find love easy and it takes a special man to handle what I dish out. Too bad my soulmate hates the sight of me. Vegas Love has alluded me for so long, until one night, I meet the perfect stranger who turns everything around. Trouble is, he's taken. A story filled with humor, heartbreak and angst, follow these characters on a journey to discover if love can really be everlasting.
    145 reads
  • The Return

    The Return


    "Warning this is the sequel to 'Nerdy to Badass Werewolf' so if you want to read this book you gonna have to read the first one. Book 2 of The Rejection series ______________________________ Theo James Black always knew he was different compared to his Uncle Steven. Finally after a year of searching for his true family he finds them, but he's not so innocent as he lets on. He's hiding something from his family, something they will soon learn that turns everything around. Will Izzy be able to figure it out in time to save herself, Theo and his family or is it to late? "
    86 reads
  • Playing Games with Violet Ashlock

    Playing Games with Violet Ashlock


    Austin Portwalt Crazy ambitious billionare who loves making big deals. He loves money and wants more than what he has now. He loves his bachelor life and wants to continue it forever but too bad his parents set him an arrange marriage with Dubai's most successful businessman's daughter but he has no interest dating the half american half italian girl. So he decided to use someone else. Violet Ashlock Classy. Arrogant. Proper. That 3 words describe her perfectly. One day, she met Austin Portwalt at her friend's party and hooked up a little bit. She likes him but he doesn't. She tried to take his attention but it never worked until he set his eyes on her suddenly without any warning. Dating her while making deals here and there.. "I know you're using me for fun but for me you're not a game. I'm serious with you Austin and I want you to marry me." Violet said to Austin seriously.
    39 reads